
Drupal State would love your help.


Steps below assume that you have NodeJS installed. We recommend using NVM to manage the NodeJS version on your local system.

In order to prepare your system for contribution you’ll need to complete this checklist:

  1. Run nvm use to switch to the expected version of npm. Run nvm install if you need to update your npm.
  2. Run npm i to install dependencies.

Running A Local Development Server

The npm run dev script can be run for local development. It will watch for changes and launch index.html at http://localhost:3000. index.html loads src/main.ts which can be used for demonstration purposes and local development.

Formatting and Linting

Linting and formatting will run for all staged files as a pre-commit hook.

VSCode users can format code on save using the Eslint and Prettier extensions. These extensions will be suggested when loading the project if they have not already been installed. An example settings file is included in .vscode/example.settings.json. Save this file as .vscode/settings.json or incorporate the contents into your existing settings.json file to enable format on save in your project.

Formatting on save is highly recommended as it should resolve most formatting issues before the pre-commit hook runs.

Formatting and linting can also be run manually using the following commands:

  • npm run eslint - checks linting
  • npm run eslint:fix - attempts to fix any linting issues
  • npm run prettier - checks formatting
  • npm run prettier:fix - attempts to fix any formatting issues


For VSCode users, an example launch file is included in An example settings file is included in .vscode/example.launch.json. Save this file as .vscode/launch.json or incorporate the contents into your existing launch.json file to enable a Chrome debugging configuration.


This project is configured to run Jest tests via npm run test. All new code is expected to be covered by tests and these tests will run as part of our CI process.

Tests should be added in a __tests__ directory adjacent to the file they are testing and the files should be named <fileName>.test.ts.


All new code should be documented. Documentation is provided by TypeDoc and Astro.

To generate documentation run npm run build:docs The result will be in the web/dist folder.