Beyond the Basics

Specify a default locale:

const store = new DrupalState({
  apiBase: '',
  defaultLocale: 'en', // optional

Include related data:

// Using a DrupalJsonApiParams v1.x...
import { DrupalJsonApiParams } from 'drupal-json-api-params;

const params = new DrupalJsonApiParams();
// Add an include parameter to include a related object in the result
const recipe = await store.getObject({
  objectName: 'node--recipe',
  id: '33386d32-a87c-44b9-b66b-3dd0bfc38dca',

// Fields for the recipe category are now available on the recipe object.
const recipeCategory =;
// ...Or using a string
const params = 'include=field_recipe_category';
const recipe = await store.getObject({
  objectName: 'node--recipe',
  id: '33386d32-a87c-44b9-b66b-3dd0bfc38dca',

Use authorization when sourcing data from Drupal:

const authStore = new DrupalState({
  apiBase: '',
  apiPrefix: 'jsonapi',
  clientId: 'my-client-id',
  clientSecret: 'my-client-secret',

// The following API request will automatically be made with an authorization
// header containing a valid token using Simple OAuth and the client_credentials
// grant type:
const recipes = await authStore.getObject({ objectName: 'node--recipe' });

Get a single object by path (the Decoupled Router module must be enabled on the Drupal site):

const recipeByPath = await store.getObjectByPath({
  objectName: 'node--recipe',
  path: '/recipes/fiery-chili-sauce',

Use noStore to force data fetching with each request and disable the use of a local store:

const withoutStore = new DrupalState({
  apiBase: '',
  noStore: true, // optional