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Creating a List of Recipes

Using the Umami Demo profile, our Drupal site comes with a number of recipes. As a first step, let’s retrieve a collection of our recipes and display a list of their titles in a component.

Listing Recipes

Umami Recipes

  • Deep mediterranean quiche
  • Vegan chocolate and nut brownies
  • Super easy vegetarian pasta bake
  • Watercress soup
  • Victoria sponge cake
  • Gluten free pizza
  • Thai green curry
  • Crema catalana
  • Fiery chili sauce
  • Borscht with pork ribs
import { JsonApiClient } from "@drupal-api-client/json-api-client";
const client = new JsonApiClient(
const recipes = await client.getCollection("node--recipe");
<h2>Umami Recipes</h2>
{ => (
<li key={}>{recipe.attributes.title}</li>

Adding Grid Styling

Rather than a default list, let’s add styling to display our titles in a grid of what will become cards.

Umami Recipes

Deep mediterranean quiche

Vegan chocolate and nut brownies

Super easy vegetarian pasta bake

Watercress soup

Victoria sponge cake

Gluten free pizza

Thai green curry

Crema catalana

Fiery chili sauce

Borscht with pork ribs

import { JsonApiClient } from "@drupal-api-client/json-api-client";
const client = new JsonApiClient(
const recipes = await client.getCollection("node--recipe");
.card-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-gap: 1rem;
.card-grid .card {
border: 2px solid var(--sl-color-text-accent);
margin-top: 0;
padding: 0.5rem;
<h2>Umami Recipes</h2>
<div class="card-grid">
{ => (
<div class="card" key={}><h4>{recipe.attributes.title}</h4></div>

Adding Fields

That grid is looking pretty bare. It would be nice to display some of the other fields from our recipes like recipe difficulty, image, and a link to the detailed content.

Adding difficulty and a link based on the content’s path alias is pretty straightforward.

Umami Recipes

Deep mediterranean quiche

Difficulty: medium

View Recipe

Vegan chocolate and nut brownies

Difficulty: medium

View Recipe

Super easy vegetarian pasta bake

Difficulty: easy

View Recipe

Watercress soup

Difficulty: easy

View Recipe

Victoria sponge cake

Difficulty: easy

View Recipe

Gluten free pizza

Difficulty: medium

View Recipe

Thai green curry

Difficulty: medium

View Recipe

Crema catalana

Difficulty: medium

View Recipe

Fiery chili sauce

Difficulty: easy

View Recipe

Borscht with pork ribs

Difficulty: medium

View Recipe
import { JsonApiClient } from "@drupal-api-client/json-api-client";
const client = new JsonApiClient(
const recipes = await client.getCollection("node--recipe");
.card-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-gap: 1rem;
.card-grid .card {
border: 2px solid var(--sl-color-text-accent);
margin-top: 0;
padding: 0.5rem;
<h2>Umami Recipes</h2>
<div class="card-grid">
{ => (
<div class="card" key={}>
<p>Difficulty: {recipe.attributes.field_difficulty}</p>
<a href={recipe.attributes.path.alias}>View Recipe</a>

Moving on to the image, we’ll see field_media_image within the relationships property of the object, but the associated data essentially only includes an id which is not referenced elsewhere in the object. This is because field_media_image references another entity in Drupal.

To ensure the image data we need is also included in this API response, we’ll need to pass additional query string parameters as part of our fetch request. In the next section, we’ll see how the JSON:API Client can make this easy.