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Migration from UI Patterns 1

Ecosystem consolidation

If you are coming from UI Patterns 1.x, you may not find UI Patterns 2.x version of your favourite modules on

Maybe because it was merged into an UI Patterns 2.x sub-module:

So, you can now found most of the UI Patterns integration inside the main ui_patterns project and 2 sub-modules were moved out of the project:

  • Display Suite. Now found in
  • Field Group. Now found in

Automatic components migration

You need to activate ui_patterns_legacy sub-module.

And run:

drush ui-patterns:migrate my_theme


drush upm my_theme

The converted components can be found in components/. patterns/ folder is kept by the migration, but can be removed.

Component definitions

It is done automatically by the drush command:

  • "fields" are becoming slots
  • "settings" are becoming props
UIP 1.x setting type UIP2 2.X prop type
Attributes attributes
Boolean boolean
Checkboxes list
Links links
Machine Name identifier
Number number
Radios  enum
Select  enum
Textfield  string
Token  string
Url url

⚠️ Some features, mixing data structure and data sources, doesn't make sense with SDC and are ignored: required, allow_expose, expose_as_field, allow_token

Anyway, there are a few tasks you may want to do after that:

identifier props

In UI Patterns 1.x, machine_name setting type was overlooked because:

  • it was added late (mid 2023)
  • it was not compatible with the broadly used token source

In UI Patterns 2.x, it was replaced by identifier prop type can be used without those limitation.

number props

In UI Patterns 1.x, number setting type doesn't allow to tell when a number is a decimal or an integer.

In UI Patterns 2.x, you can replace type: number by type: integer.

Ignored setting types

Those settings are not ignored because they are not too "business":

  • ColorWidget
  • ColorisWidget
  • GroupType
  • LanguageCheckboxes
  • LanguageAccess
  • MediaLibrary
  • Publish


The templates are exactly the same between UI Patterns 1.x and UI Patterns 2.x, except pattern() function which has been replaced by the Twig native include() function:

  {slot_1: foo, slot_2: bar, prop_1: baz, prop_2: true},


  {slot_1: foo, slot_2: bar, prop_1: baz, prop_2: true, variant: variant_id},
  with_context = false


  • component_id is now prefixed by the provider (theme or module)
  • variant is now a prop instead of
  • with_context = false must be added to avoid scope leaks.

Until the manual conversion is done, you can still use pattern() thanks to a compatibility layer, if you keep ui_patterns_legacy activated.

⚠️ variants templates (ex: pattern-card--variant-horizontal.html.twig) are not kept because they don't exist in UI Patterns 2


A story called preview is automatically created from all the preview values extracted from the component definition.

For example, this UI Patterns 1.x definition:

  label: "Button"
      type: "boolean"
      label: "Disabled?"
      preview: false
      allow_token: true
      type: "boolean"
      label: "Hide button label?"
      preview: false
      type: "url"
      label: "URL"
      preview: ""
      type: "text"
      label: "Label"
      preview: "Submit"

Is becoming this story:

name: Preview
  label: Submit
  disabled: false
  label_visually_hidden: false
  url: ""

Preview templates

Preview templates (pattern-{component_id}--preview.html.twig) are replaced by library_wrapper properties of story definition, but this is not done automatically.

Compatibility layer at runtime

By keeping ui_patterns_legacy activated after the migration, you can leverage a compatibility layer between UI Patterns 1.x and SDC API.

Render elements

For example, this render element:

  '#type' => 'pattern',
  '#id' => 'blockquote',
  '#variant' => 'highlighted',
  '#fields' => [
    'quote' => 'You must do the things you think you cannot do.',
    'attribution' => 'Eleanor Roosevelt',
  '#settings' => [
     'url' => ''

And this one:

  '#type' => 'pattern',
  '#id' => 'blockquote',
  '#variant' => 'highlighted',
  'quote' => 'You must do the things you think you cannot do.',
  'attribution' => 'Eleanor Roosevelt',
   'url' => ''

Are both converted to:

  '#type' => 'component',
  '#component' => 'provider:blockquote',
  '#slots' => [
    'quote' => 'You must do the things you think you cannot do.',
    'attribution' => 'Eleanor Roosevelt',
  '#props' => [
     'url' => '',
     'variant' => 'highlighted'

It works also for pattern_preview render element:

  '#type' => 'pattern_preview',
  '#id' => 'blockquote',
  '#variant' => 'highlighted',

Is converted at runtime to:

  '#type' => 'component',
  '#component' => 'provider:blockquote',
  '#story' => 'preview',
  '#props' => [
     'variant' => 'highlighted'

Twig functions

At runtime, pattern() twig function:

  {slot_1: foo, slot_2: bar, prop_1: baz, prop_2: true},

is processed as:

  '#type' => 'component',
  '#component' => 'bootstrap:card',
  '#slots' => [
    'slot_1' => foo,
    'slot_2' => bar,
  '#props' => [
     'prop_1' => 'baz',
     'prop_2' => true,
     'variant' => 'variant_id'

⚠️ The provider is guessed. If you have many components with the same ID (so, in this example, many cards), the provider may be guessed wrong.

Same for pattern_preview:

{{ pattern_preview('modal', 'highlighted') }}

is processed as:

  '#type' => 'component',
  '#component' => 'provider:modal',
  '#story' => 'preview',
  '#props' => [
     'variant' => 'variant_id'