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Component form

The biggest feature of UI Patterns is the generation of forms from the components definition:

From component definition.... ... to component form

Those forms will be shown everywhere a component is used:

Data sources

Values are taken from sources:

  • "Widgets": simple form elements storing directly the data filled by the user. For example, a textfield for a string or a checkbox for a boolean.
  • Sources retrieving data from Drupal API: they can be context agnostic (ex: a menu for links) or context specific (ex: the title field for a string)
  • Context switchers: They don't retrieve data but they give access to other data sources. For example, the author fields from an article content.

If there is only a single source available, the source form is directly displayed:

If there are at least 2, a source selector is shown:

Some sources doesn't have a form, selecting the source is enough:


Sometimes sources require another object in order to retrieve the data. This is known as context.

Some source doesn't need a context and are site wide, for example:

  • All “widgets” which are source plugins with only direct input: Textfield, Select, Checkbox…
  • List of all menus
  • The breadcrumb

But some of them will need context. Examples:

Context Source Prop type Description
Content entity Data from a field Switch to a Field context.
Content entity Entity link URL
Content entity Referenced entities Switch to an other Content entity context.
Field Field formatter Slot
Field Field label String
Field Field prop : * (many)
Reference field Field prop: entity Switch to a Content entity context.
View View title String
View View rows Slot
View row View title String
View row View field Slot

Variant selector

Some components have variants, a list of different "look" of the component. Variants doesn't change the model or the meaning of the component, only the look.


SDC components are made of slots & props:

  • Slots: “areas” for free renderables only, like Drupal blocks or other SDC components for example.
  • Props: strictly typed data only, for some UI logic in the template.

You can draw the slots areas in a component screenshot:

For each slots, its is possible to add one or many sources:

For example:

  • "Component": nest another SDC component in the slot.
  • "Block": add a Drupal block plugin
  • "Wysiwyg": a simple text editor, using the text formats defined in your site.

Other modules can add other sources. For example, "Icon" in this screenshot is brought by

Once a source is added, it can be configured and we can add more because the selector is still present:

Sources can be reordered inside a slot.

Using the "Component" source, we have access to the embedded component slots and we can nest data:


A bit like the form for slots with 2 main differences:

  • We don’t allow multiple items, so we can replace the source but not add some (and of course no reordering)
  • The default source form is already loaded.

The available sources are varying according to both:

  • the prop type. Each prop as a type, which is related to its JSON schema typing, but not exactly the same. You can check what type has a prop in the component library. A prop without a type is not displayed in the form.
  • the context, as explained before.