Two-factor Authentication (TFA) module for Drupal
TFA is a base module for providing two-factor authentication for your Drupal site. As a base module, TFA handles the Drupal integration work, providing flexible and well tested interfaces to enable seamless, and configurable, choice of various two-factor authentication solutions like Time-based One Time Passwords, SMS-delivered codes, recovery codes, or integrations with third-party suppliers like Authy, Duo and others.
Project Page
Issue Tracker
Online Documentation
This module requires the following modules:
Installation and use
TFA module can be installed like other Drupal modules by placing this directory in the Drupal file system (for example, under modules/) and enabling on the Drupal modules page.
TFA can be configured on your Drupal site at Administration - Configuration - People - Two-factor Authentication. Available plugins will be listed along with their type and configured use, if set.
Default validation plugin
The plugin that will be used by default during user authentication. The plugin must be ready for use by the authenticating account. If "Require TFA" is marked then an account that has not setup TFA with the validation plugin will be unable to log in.
Getting started
See Getting started for a guide on setting up TFA.
Testing and development with TFA enabled
It can be hard to test user authentication in automated tests with the TFA module enabled. Development environments also will likely struggle to login unless they disable TFA or reset the secrets for an account. One solution is to disable the module in the development and testing environment. To quickly disable the module you can run these drush commands to set some config:
- Disable TFA with
drush config-set tfa.settings enabled 0
- Enable TFA with
drush config-set tfa.settings enabled 1