in package
The main API functions for Test Helpers.
Use only static calls like TestHelpers::method()
Table of Contents
- REQUEST_STUB_DEFAULT_URI = 'http://drupal-unit-test.local/'
- An uri with a placeholder domain, to use in requests by default.
- addFieldPlugin() : void
- Adds a field plugin from class to the typed data manager.
- addIteratorToMock() : MockObject
- Sets an array as the iterator on a mocked object.
- assertException() : mixed
- Asserts that a function throws a specific exception.
- callEventSubscriber() : void
- Calls an event subscriber with checking the definition in services.
- callPrivateMethod() : mixed
- Calls a private or protected method from a class using reflection.
- createClass() : object
- Creates a class via calling function create() with container.
- createEntity() : EntityStubInterface|EntityInterface|MockObject
- Creates a stub entity for an entity type from a given class.
- createFieldStub() : FieldItemListInterface
- Creates a field instance stub.
- createMock() : MockObject
- Returns a mock object for the specified class.
- createPartialMock() : MockObject
- Returns a partial mock object for the specified class.
- createPartialMockWithConstructor() : MockObject
- Creates a partial mock for the class and call constructor with arguments.
- createPartialMockWithCustomMethods() : MockObject
- Creates a partial mock with ability to add custom methods.
- findQueryCondition() : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- Searches query conditions by a field name or sub-conditions.
- getClassFile() : bool|string
- Gets a path to file for the class.
- getClassResolverStub() : mixed
- Returns a stub class resolver.
- getContainer() : ContainerInterface
- Gets a Drupal services container, or creates a new one.
- getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator() : mixed
- Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
- getDrupalRoot() : string
- Finds a Drupal root directory.
- getEntityStorage() : EntityStorageInterface
- Gets or initializes an Entity Storage for a given Entity Type class name.
- getMockedMethod() : InvocationMocker
- Gets a mocked method from the Mock object to replace return value.
- getModuleFilePath() : string
- Gets the absolute path to a file in the called module by a relative path.
- getModuleName() : string|null
- Gets a module name from a namespace of a module class.
- getModuleRoot() : string|null
- Gets a root module folder from a module file full path.
- getPluginDefinition() : mixed
- Parses the annotation for a class and gets the definition.
- getPrivateMethod() : ReflectionMethod
- Gets a private or protected method from a class using reflection.
- getPrivateProperty() : mixed
- Gets a private or protected property from a class using reflection.
- getRandomGenerator() : mixed
- Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
- getServiceInfoFromClass() : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- Gets information about service from YAML file.
- getStringTranslationStub() : mixed
- Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
- initEntityTypeManagerStubs() : void
- Initializes the main services to work with entities stubs.
- initService() : object
- Initializes a service from the service name or class.
- initServiceFromYaml() : object
- Initializes a service from YAML file with passing services as arguments.
- isNestedArraySubsetOf() : bool
- Performs a check if the actial array is a subset of expected.
- loadParametersFromYamlFile() : void
- Load params from YAML file to the current service container.
- matchConditions() : bool
- Performs matching of passed conditions with the query.
- matchEntityCondition() : bool
- Matches a EntityQuery conditon to entity.
- mockPhpFunction() : MockedFunctionCalls
- Sets a mock for a PHP build-in function for the namespace of a class.
- queryIsSubsetOf() : bool
- Performs matching of passed conditions with the query.
- saveEntity() : EntityStubInterface|EntityInterface|MockObject
- Creates a stub entity for an entity type from a given class and saves it.
- service() : object
- Gets the service stub or mock, or initiates a new one if missing.
- setMockedClassMethod() : void
- Sets a closure function to a class method.
- setPrivateProperty() : void
- Sets a private or protected property value in a class using reflection.
- setServices() : void
- Initializes list of services and adds them to the container.
- unmockAllPhpFunctions() : mixed
- Unmocks all functions, that was mocked by mockPhpFunction().
- unmockPhpFunction() : mixed
- Unmocks the previously mocked PHP build-in function in a namespace.
An uri with a placeholder domain, to use in requests by default.
= 'http://drupal-unit-test.local/'
It is used to produce absolute links when no request is pushed manually to the 'request_stack' service.
You can override this default behavior in your unit test via:
Example of how to check the url with the default request stub:
Adds a field plugin from class to the typed data manager.
static addFieldPlugin(string $class) : void
- $class : string
The field plugin class.
Sets an array as the iterator on a mocked object.
static addIteratorToMock(array<string|int, mixed> $array, MockObject $mock) : MockObject
- $array : array<string|int, mixed>
The array with data.
- $mock : MockObject
The mocked object.
Return values
MockObject —The mocked object.
Asserts that a function throws a specific exception.
static assertException(callable $function[, string $exceptionClass = NULL ][, string $message = NULL ]) : mixed
- $function : callable
A function to execute.
- $exceptionClass : string = NULL
(optional) An exception class to assert, \Exception by default.
- $message : string = NULL
(optional) A message text to throw on missing exception.
Calls an event subscriber with checking the definition in services.
static callEventSubscriber(string|array<string|int, mixed>|object $service, string $eventName, object &$event) : void
Checks that the event subscriber has a definition in services.yml file and the 'event_subscriber' tag in it, before calling.
- $service : string|array<string|int, mixed>|object
A service class as a string, or an array with the service info, where:
- the first element is a path to the service YAML file,
- the second element - the service name.
- $eventName : string
The Event name.
- $event : object
The Event object.
Calls a private or protected method from a class using reflection.
static callPrivateMethod(object|string $class, string $methodName[, array<string|int, mixed> $arguments = [] ]) : mixed
- $class : object|string
The class instance or the name of the class.
- $methodName : string
The name of the method to get.
- $arguments : array<string|int, mixed> = []
The list of aruments for the calling method.
Return values
mixed —The return value of the executed function.
Creates a class via calling function create() with container.
static createClass(string|object $class[, array<string|int, mixed> $createArguments = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $services = NULL ]) : object
- $class : string|object
The class to test, can be a string with path or initialized class.
- $createArguments : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
The list of arguments for passing to the function create(), excluding the container as the first argument, because it is mandatory, so it is passed automatically.
- $services : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
The array of services to add to the container. Format is same as in function setServices().
Return values
object —The initialized class instance.
Creates a stub entity for an entity type from a given class.
static createEntity(string $entityTypeNameOrClass[, array<string|int, mixed> $values = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $translations = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = NULL ]) : EntityStubInterface|EntityInterface|MockObject
- $entityTypeNameOrClass : string
A full path to an entity type class, or an entity type id for Drupal Core entities like
, etc. - $values : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
A list of values to set in the created entity.
- $translations : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
A list of translations to add to the created entity.
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
A list of options to entity stub creation:
- mockMethods: list of methods to make mockable.
- addMethods: list of additional methods.
- skipPrePostSave: a flag to use direct save on the storage without calling preSave and postSave functions. Can be useful if that functions have dependencies which hard to mock. Applies only on the first initialization of this node type.
- skipEntityConstructor: a flag to skip calling the entity constructor.
- fields: a list of custom field options by field name.
Applies only on the first initialization of this field.
Supportable formats:
- A string, indicating field type, like 'integer', 'string', 'entity_reference', only core field types are supported.
- An array with field configuration: type, settings, etc, like this: [ 'type' => 'entity_reference', 'settings' => ['target_type' => 'node'] 'translatable' => TRUE, 'required' => FALSE, 'cardinality' => 3, ].
- A field definition object, that will be applied to the field.
Return values
EntityStubInterface|EntityInterface|MockObject —The stub object for the entity.
Creates a field instance stub.
static createFieldStub([array<string|int, mixed>|string|null $values = NULL ][, string|FieldDefinitionInterface|null $typeOrDefinition = NULL ][, string|null $name = NULL ][, TypedDataInterface|null $parent = NULL ][, bool|null $isBaseField = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $mockMethods = NULL ]) : FieldItemListInterface
- $values : array<string|int, mixed>|string|null = NULL
The field values.
- $typeOrDefinition : string|FieldDefinitionInterface|null = NULL
A field type like 'string', 'integer', 'boolean'. Or a path to a field class like Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\IntegerItem. Or a ready definition object to use. If null - will be created a stub with fallback ItemStubItem definition.
- $name : string|null = NULL
The field name.
- $parent : TypedDataInterface|null = NULL
Parent item for attaching to the field.
- $isBaseField : bool|null = NULL
A flag to create a base field instance.
- $mockMethods : array<string|int, mixed>|null = NULL
A list of method to mock when creating the instance.
Return values
FieldItemListInterface —A field item list with items as stubs.
Returns a mock object for the specified class.
static createMock(string $originalClassName) : MockObject
- $originalClassName : string
Return values
Returns a partial mock object for the specified class.
static createPartialMock(string $originalClassName, array<string|int, mixed> $methods) : MockObject
- $originalClassName : string
- $methods : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
Creates a partial mock for the class and call constructor with arguments.
static createPartialMockWithConstructor(string $originalClassName, array<string|int, mixed> $methods[, array<string|int, mixed> $constructorArgs = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $addMethods = NULL ]) : MockObject
- $originalClassName : string
- $methods : array<string|int, mixed>
- $constructorArgs : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
- $addMethods : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
Return values
Creates a partial mock with ability to add custom methods.
static createPartialMockWithCustomMethods(string $originalClassName, array<string|int, mixed> $methods[, array<string|int, mixed> $addMethods = NULL ]) : MockObject
- $originalClassName : string
- $methods : array<string|int, mixed>
- $addMethods : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
Return values
Searches query conditions by a field name or sub-conditions.
static findQueryCondition(object $query, string|array<string|int, mixed> $requiredCondition[, bool $returnAllMatches = FALSE ]) : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- $query : object
The query object.
- $requiredCondition : string|array<string|int, mixed>
The string with the field name to search. Or an array with sub-conditions like
['field' => 'nid', 'operator' => '<>']
. - $returnAllMatches : bool = FALSE
A flag to return all matches as a list, not only the first match.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null —The first matched condition, or NULL if no matcheds.
Gets a path to file for the class.
static getClassFile(mixed $class) : bool|string
- $class : mixed
Class name or path.
Return values
bool|string —The path to the file.
Returns a stub class resolver.
static getClassResolverStub() : mixed
Gets a Drupal services container, or creates a new one.
static getContainer([bool $forceCreate = FALSE ]) : ContainerInterface
- $forceCreate : bool = FALSE
Force create a new container, even if already exists.
Return values
ContainerInterface —The initialized container.
Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
static getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator(CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface $cache_tags_validator) : mixed
- $cache_tags_validator : CacheTagsInvalidatorInterface
Finds a Drupal root directory.
static getDrupalRoot() : string
Return values
string —A path to the Drupal root directory.
Gets or initializes an Entity Storage for a given Entity Type class name.
static getEntityStorage(string $entityTypeNameOrClass[, EntityStorageInterface $storageInstance = NULL ][, bool|null $forceOverride = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $storageOptions = NULL ]) : EntityStorageInterface
- $entityTypeNameOrClass : string
The entity class.
- $storageInstance : EntityStorageInterface = NULL
An already initialized instance of a storage, NULL to create a new one.
- $forceOverride : bool|null = NULL
Forces creation of the new clear storage, if exists.
- $storageOptions : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
A list of options to pass to the storage initialization. Acts only once if the storage is not initialized yet.
- skipPrePostSave: a flag to use direct save on the storage without calling preSave and postSave functions. Can be useful if that functions have dependencies which hard to mock.
- constructorArguments: additional arguments to the constructor.
- mockMethods: a list of storage methods to mock.
- addMethods: a list of storage methods to add.
Return values
EntityStorageInterface —The initialized stub of Entity Storage.
Gets a mocked method from the Mock object to replace return value.
static getMockedMethod(MockObject $mock, string $method) : InvocationMocker
This allows to replace the return value of the already defined method via
$mockedMethod->willReturn('New Value')
It's not possible with PHPUnit API, but here is a feature request about it: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/5070 - please vote!
- $mock : MockObject
A mocked object.
- $method : string
A method to get.
Return values
InvocationMocker —An InvocationMocker object with the method.
Gets the absolute path to a file in the called module by a relative path.
static getModuleFilePath(string $relativePath[, int|null $parentCallsLevel = NULL ]) : string
Usually used for woring with module's YAML files, like
or my_module.links.menu.yml
The module root is detected by the location of the file, from which this function is called. Use $parentCallsLevel more than zero, if you call this function from an intermediate class.
- $relativePath : string
A realative path to a file, from the module root directory.
- $parentCallsLevel : int|null = NULL
An optional level to skip some parent calls, if you need to detect the module from a parent function, not from which you call this function.
Return values
string —A full path to the module file.
Gets a module name from a namespace of a module class.
static getModuleName([string|int|null $namespaceOrLevel = NULL ]) : string|null
- $namespaceOrLevel : string|int|null = NULL
The module class namespace. If NULL - gets the namespace from a called function. If numeric - jumps upper the passed number of levels.
Return values
string|null —The module name, or NULL if can't find.
Gets a root module folder from a module file full path.
static getModuleRoot([string|int|null $pathOrClassOrLevel = NULL ][, string|null $moduleName = NULL ]) : string|null
- $pathOrClassOrLevel : string|int|null = NULL
A full path to a file or a class. If empty - gets the path of the function caller file.
- $moduleName : string|null = NULL
The name of the module, if empty - gets the caller module name.
Return values
string|null —The full path to the module root.
Parses the annotation for a class and gets the definition.
static getPluginDefinition(string $class[, string $plugin = 'TypedData' ][, string $annotationName = NULL ]) : mixed
- $class : string
A class name to get definition.
- $plugin : string = 'TypedData'
A plugin id.
- $annotationName : string = NULL
The name of an annotation to use.
Return values
mixed —The definitoin from the plugin.
Gets a private or protected method from a class using reflection.
static getPrivateMethod(object|string $class, string $methodName) : ReflectionMethod
- $class : object|string
The class instance or the name of the class.
- $methodName : string
The name of the method to get.
Return values
ReflectionMethod —The method instance.
Gets a private or protected property from a class using reflection.
static getPrivateProperty(object|string $class, string $propertyName[, bool $returnReflectionProperty = FALSE ]) : mixed
- $class : object|string
The class instance or the name of the class.
- $propertyName : string
The name of the property to get.
- $returnReflectionProperty : bool = FALSE
Flag to return a ReflectionProperty object instead of value.
Return values
mixed —The property value.
Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
static getRandomGenerator() : mixed
Gets information about service from YAML file.
static getServiceInfoFromClass(string $serviceClass) : array<string|int, mixed>|null
- $serviceClass : string
A class to search.
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>|null —An array with information, or NULL if nothing found.
Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
static getStringTranslationStub() : mixed
Initializes the main services to work with entities stubs.
static initEntityTypeManagerStubs() : void
Initializes a bundle of services, required to work with entity stubs:
- entity_type.manager
- language_manager
- entity_field.manager
- entity.query.sql
- string_translation
- plugin.manager.field.field_type
- typed_data_manager
- uuid Also adds them to the Drupal Container.
Initializes a service from the service name or class.
static initService(string $serviceNameOrClass[, string $serviceNameToCheck = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $mockMethods = NULL ][, string|null $overrideClass = NULL ]) : object
The function tries to auto detect the service YAML file location automatically by service name or class name. If auto magic doesn't work for your case, use the initServiceFromYaml() directly.
- $serviceNameOrClass : string
The name of the service id in YAML file of the current module, or the full name of a service class.
- $serviceNameToCheck : string = NULL
A service name to check matching the declared one in services.yml file. Acts only if the class name is passed as a first argument.
- $mockMethods : array<string|int, mixed>|null = NULL
A list of method to mock when creating the instance.
- $overrideClass : string|null = NULL
A class to override the default service class.
Return values
object —The initialized class instance.
Initializes a service from YAML file with passing services as arguments.
static initServiceFromYaml(string|array<string|int, mixed> $servicesYamlFileOrData, string $name[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $mockMethods = NULL ][, string|null $overrideClass = NULL ]) : object
- $servicesYamlFileOrData : string|array<string|int, mixed>
The path to the YAML file, or an array with data from YAML.
- $name : string
The name of the service.
- $mockMethods : array<string|int, mixed>|null = NULL
A list of method to mock when creating the instance.
- $overrideClass : string|null = NULL
A class to override the default service class.
Return values
object —The initialized class instance.
Performs a check if the actial array is a subset of expected.
static isNestedArraySubsetOf(mixed $array, mixed $subset[, bool $throwErrors = FALSE ]) : bool
- $array : mixed
The array to check. Returns false if passed variable is not an array.
- $subset : mixed
The array with values to check the subset.
- $throwErrors : bool = FALSE
Enables throwing notice errors when matching fails, with the explanation what exactly doesn't match.
Return values
bool —True if the array is the subset, false if not.
Load params from YAML file to the current service container.
static loadParametersFromYamlFile(string $file[, bool $override = TRUE ]) : void
- $file : string
A path to a YAML file.
- $override : bool = TRUE
A flag to override the current parameters.
Performs matching of passed conditions with the query.
static matchConditions(ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface $conditionsObject, ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface $conditionsExpectedObject[, bool|null $onlyListed = NULL ][, bool|null $throwErrors = FALSE ]) : bool
- $conditionsObject : ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface
The query object to check.
- $conditionsExpectedObject : ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface
The query object with expected conditions.
- $onlyListed : bool|null = NULL
Forces to return false, if the checking query object contains more conditions than in object with expected conditions.
- $throwErrors : bool|null = FALSE
Enables throwing notice errors when matching fails, with the explanation what exactly doesn't match.
Return values
bool —True if is subset, false if not.
Matches a EntityQuery conditon to entity.
static matchEntityCondition(EntityInterface $entity, array<string|int, mixed> $condition) : bool
- $entity : EntityInterface
The entity to use.
- $condition : array<string|int, mixed>
The condition to check.
Return values
bool —True if matches, false if not.
Sets a mock for a PHP build-in function for the namespace of a class.
static mockPhpFunction(string $name, string $class[, callable|null $callback = NULL ]) : MockedFunctionCalls
Warning! The function will be mocked for all classes in the passed class namespace, and will stay for all other test function in the file. So, always use TestHelpers::unmockPhpFunction() at the end of each test.
For your tests you call it in tearDownAfterClass() to always revert all mocks after finishing the current unit test, to not affect next tests.
- $name : string
The function name.
- $class : string
The full class name (FQCN) to get the namespace.
- $callback : callable|null = NULL
A callback function to call, or NULL if no callback is needed.
Return values
MockedFunctionCalls —A MockedFunctionCalls object, containing list of all function calls.
Performs matching of passed conditions with the query.
static queryIsSubsetOf(ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface $query, ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface $queryExpected[, bool $onlyListed = FALSE ][, bool $throwErrors = TRUE ]) : bool
- $query : ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface
The query object to check.
- $queryExpected : ConditionInterface|ConditionInterface
The query object with expected conditions.
- $onlyListed : bool = FALSE
Forces to return false, if the checking query object contains more conditions than in object with expected conditions.
- $throwErrors : bool = TRUE
Enables throwing notice errors when matching fails, with the explanation what exactly doesn't match.
Return values
bool —True if is subset, false if not.
Creates a stub entity for an entity type from a given class and saves it.
static saveEntity(string $entityTypeNameOrClass[, array<string|int, mixed> $values = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $translations = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $options = NULL ]) : EntityStubInterface|EntityInterface|MockObject
- $entityTypeNameOrClass : string
A full path to an entity type class, or an entity type id for Drupal Core entities like
, etc. - $values : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
A list of values to set in the created entity.
- $translations : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
A list of translations to add to the created entity.
- $options : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
A list of options to entity stub creation:
- mockMethods: list of methods to make mockable.
- addMethods: list of additional methods.
- skipPrePostSave: a flag to use direct save on the storage without calling preSave and postSave functions. Can be useful if that functions have dependencies which hard to mock. Applies only on the first initialization of this node type.
- skipEntityConstructor: a flag to skip calling the entity constructor.
- fields: a list of custom field options by field name.
Applies only on the first initialization of this field.
Supportable formats:
- A string, indicating field type, like 'integer', 'string', 'entity_reference', only core field types are supported.
- An array with field configuration: type, settings, etc, like this: [ 'type' => 'entity_reference', 'settings' => ['target_type' => 'node'] 'translatable' => TRUE, 'required' => FALSE, 'cardinality' => 3, ].
- A field definition object, that will be applied to the field.
Return values
EntityStubInterface|EntityInterface|MockObject —The stub object for the entity.
Gets the service stub or mock, or initiates a new one if missing.
static service(string $serviceName[, object|string|null $class = NULL ][, bool $forceOverride = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $mockMethods = NULL ][, array<string|int, mixed> $addMockableMethods = NULL ][, bool $initService = NULL ][, string $servicesYamlFile = NULL ]) : object
- $serviceName : string
The service name.
- $class : object|string|null = NULL
The class to use in service, allowed different types:
- object: attachs the initialized object to the service.
- string: creates a mock of the class by passed name.
- null: use stub from Test Heleprs of default class from Drupal Core.
- $forceOverride : bool = NULL
Control overriding the service:
- FALSE on NULL: overrides only if the class names are different.
- TRUE: always overrides the class by a new instance.
- $mockMethods : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
The list of exist methods to make mokable.
- $addMockableMethods : array<string|int, mixed> = NULL
The list of new methods to make them mokable.
- $initService : bool = NULL
Initializes core service with constructor and passing all dependencies.
- $servicesYamlFile : string = NULL
A path to the services.yaml file when it can't be properly autodetected.
Return values
object —The initialised service object.
Sets a closure function to a class method.
static setMockedClassMethod(object $class, string $method, Closure $closure) : void
This makes private class methods accessible inside the function via $this.
- $class : object
The mocked class.
- $method : string
The method name.
- $closure : Closure
The closure function to bind.
Sets a private or protected property value in a class using reflection.
static setPrivateProperty(object|string $class, string $propertyName, mixed $value) : void
- $class : object|string
The class instance or the name of the class.
- $propertyName : string
The name of the property to get.
- $value : mixed
The value to set.
Initializes list of services and adds them to the container.
static setServices(array<string|int, mixed> $services[, bool $clearContainer = NULL ][, bool $forceOverride = NULL ][, bool $initServices = NULL ]) : void
- $services : array<string|int, mixed>
An array with services, supports two formats:
- A numeric array with service names: adds default classes.
- An associative array with service name as a key and object or NULL in value: Attaches the passed class to the service, if NULL - creates a stub for default Drupal Core class.
- $clearContainer : bool = NULL
Clears the Drupal container, if TRUE.
- $forceOverride : bool = NULL
Control overriding the service:
- FALSE on NULL: overrides only if the class names are different.
- TRUE: always overrides the class by a new instance.
- $initServices : bool = NULL
Initializes core service with constructor and passing all dependencies.
Unmocks all functions, that was mocked by mockPhpFunction().
static unmockAllPhpFunctions() : mixed
Unmocks the previously mocked PHP build-in function in a namespace.
static unmockPhpFunction(string $name, string $class) : mixed
- $name : string
The function name.
- $class : string
The full class name (FQCN) to get the namespace.