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Create a Scheduler plugin for an entity type

Here are step-by-step instructions for creating a plugin for a new entity type. The following naming conventions are used:

  • {entity_type_id} refers to the actual entity type id, the lower-case machine name, for example ‘node’, ‘media’ and ‘commerce_product’.
  • {Type} refers to the equivalent UpperCamelCase non-underscore version used in class names, for example ‘Node’, ‘Media’ and ‘CommerceProduct’.


  1. Create the new plugin definition file, named /src/Plugin/Scheduler/{Type}Scheduler.php
  2. The complete list of plugin definition properties, with examples, is as follows:
     * @SchedulerPlugin(
     *  id = "example_scheduler",
     *  label = @Translation("Example Scheduler Plugin"),
     *  description = @Translation("Support for scheduling Example entities"),
     *  entityType = "example",
     *  dependency = "example_product",
     *  typeFieldName = "category",
     *  develGenerateForm = "devel_generate_form_example",
     *  collectionRoute = "entity.example.overview"
     *  userViewRoute = "view.scheduler_scheduled_example.user_page",
     *  schedulerEventClass = "\Drupal\scheduler\Event\SchedulerExampleEvents",
     *  publishAction = "example_publish",
     *  unpublishAction = "example_unpublish"
     * )
  1. Keep the properties in the order shown above. The first five properties are mandatory and the remaining seven are optional. See src/SchedulerPluginBase.php and src/Annotation/SchedulerPlugin.php for detailed explanations.
  2. Create a new file src/Event/Scheduler{Type}Events using a copy of the media file src/Event/SchedulerMediaEvents.php as a basis. Do not use the node file as this has the legacy non-generic event naming convention.
  3. Add extra two lines in config/schema/scheduler.schema.yml to use the saved alias for the new third party settings. If this is not done we get “Configuration inspector - The site's configuration does not match the associated schema” error on the status report. Do not add a new comment line before the reuse of the alias, as oddly this causes a parse error.
  4. Create a new view definition and save it as config/optional/views.view.scheduler_scheduled_{entity_type_id}.yml. Note, this should be in config/optional because only the node content view is stored in config/install.
  5. A main admin view is not mandatory but is highly desirable, and the view url should be an extension of the entity collection url, for example admin/content/media/scheduled. A user view variant is optional, but if created, the url should be user/{uid}/scheduled_{entity_type_id}
  6. In scheduler.install add a hook_update function to load the new view.
  7. Add the required local task tab definition in src/Plugin/Derivative/DynamicLocalTasks.php. The new route should be view.scheduler_scheduled_{entity_type_id}.overview. If there is no tab for the general view then add it. This was the case for Media and Commerce Products, but there is a Core issue to create them automatically.
  8. Scheduler Rules Integration - create scheduler_rules_integration/src/Event/Rules{Type}Event.php copying from the Media version of this class. In the CONST definitions use the entity type id, including underscore if necessary.
  9. Update to include the new entity in the list of implementations.