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HtmxAttribute objects

HTMX implements its actions using attributes on HTML entities. This module provides an extension of Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute that has methods for assembling these attributes. This approach documents and provides type safety for the content of the HTMX attributes.

Each method on \Drupal\htmx\Template\HtmxAttribute also links to the matching HTMX documentation in its associated DocBlock.

Using in unaltered markup

Because HtmxAttribute is an Attribute object, you can send it directly to be rendered if you know that no other code will be altering the render attributes.

$htmxClose = new HtmxAttribute([
      'class' => [
$htmxClose->on('click', 'removeOffCanvasDialog(this)');
$build = [
  'close' => [
    '#type' => 'inline_template',
    '#template' => '<button {{ attributes }} ><span class="default-text">{{ closeLabel }}</span></button>',
    '#context' => [
      'closeLabel' => $this->t('Close'),
      'attributes' => $htmxClose,

Using in markup that may be altered

However, if you are altering a render array you should convert back to an array so that any alter hooks can add additional attributes since those implementations will not be expecting an Attribute object.

$htmxAddButton = new HtmxAttribute($row['operations']['data']['#attributes']);
$htmxAddButton->get(Url::fromRoute('entity.htmx_block.add_form', ['plugin_id' => $plugin_id]))
  $row['operations']['data']['#attributes'] = $htmxAddButton->toArray();

Twig function

A Twig function, create_htmx, is provided that will return a new HtmxAttribute is also provided. You will need a url object to add any requests. The Twig Tweak module provides a drupal_url function that you can use to get a Url object in Twig.

{% set htmx = create_htmx() %}

<span {{ htmx.get(drupal_url('node/1')).swap('#your-div') }}></span>