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GitLab Pages

The templates support the ability to publish a GitLab site. You can opt for using a supported default configuration or create your own integration.

Default configuration

Projects can automatically publish a documentation site powered by Material for MkDocs and GitLab Pages.

  • Get started by creating mkdocs.yml and docs/ files.
  • GitLab Pages has a tutorial on how to write these files.
  • With those in place, a site gets re-published every time the default branch changes. We only auto-publish the default branch for now.
  • Material for MkDocs has a great docs site and offers lots of plugins that should work on our GitLab pages. You may need to install their prerequisites in a before_script step in the pages job.

If the project has a logo image file logo.png this should be saved in the project's top-level directory, in accordance with the Drupal standard practice. However, the logo to be displayed in the MkDocs documentation site is taken from the /docs folder. This allows for an alternative logo on the documentation site. If there is no logo stored in the /docs folder then the file from the top-level folder will be used. You do not need to keep a duplicate file in both places.

Non-default configuration

This option is also supported by GitLab Pages. All you need is to generate a public folder with the resulting static website that you want.

The job definition can be like this:

  stage: build
  image: ubuntu <==== Any base image that you feel comfortable with
    - apt get ... <==== Install needed dependencies
    - ./tool-of-choice . --output=public <==== Generate the site in the "public" folder.
    - echo "The documentation will be published at $CI_PAGES_URL"
      - public

PHPDocs Generators

There are different tools that can generate a full documentation site based on your project's code comments. Some examples for PHP projects could be:

You could automate those tools and make them generate a folder containing the documentation site and then connect it with the previous code.