2023-07-22: Keeping up 2


Another report out of time, this time till 2023-07-05.


It covers commits added over the e0d038f582d340cb8dcac7d5dbce9300b86878dc..9f45ca3194c59ba5a3c0950b43f1a8573709cfb9 interval on 11.x branch.

#3223205: deprecate system_retrieve_file() without replacement


One extra deprecation, for one of the few HTTP client wrappers in core, introduced in 2009 with the venerable drupal_http_request in the past.

#3221793: Move file upload validation from file.module to constraint validators


A move improving internal consistency, by using a symfony constraint for file validation. Details on what to change elsewhere at the related change record.

#2933924: Move Drupalfield_uiFormEntityViewDisplayEditForm::getFieldLabelOptions() to a trait


A new handy trait for entity view display field label options.

#3321726: If there is a line break in a primary dropbutton, it will not match the height of the adjacent toggle


Extra polishing on drop button styling.

#2521800: List key|label entry field is textarea, which doesn’t give guidance towards the expected input


Change the form UI around list fields settings, so they are presented in a form, instead of requiring a special syntax on a text area. This was created a while ago after the usability testing done at University of Minnesota Usability Lab.

#3087499: Merge Help Topics classes into Help with BC layer


Help topics is really close to be integrated/merged fully into the help module. This change bring over lots of classes from help_topic module into help module.

#3238849, #3238308, #3238914: Refactor (if feasible) use of jquery is(), css(), and proxy() functions to use vanillaJS

#3238849 #3238308 #3238914

Following the embrace of vanilla JavaScript and being less reliant on jquery, these set of changes are about removing most of the uses of jQuery’s is(), css(), and proxy() functions.

It is really nice to see this effort continuing.

#3370043: Asset controller should validate filename prefix


JavaScript generated filenames are hashes, and they are generated on demand. The related controller needed extra validation to prevent changing prefixes producing a potential DoS by filling the disk space. Originally a security issue, decided to be handled on the open issue queue.

#3332546: CommentSelection::entityQueryAlter() fails on validate when referencing entity is not a comment


Comments have been able to be attached to not-node entities for a while. This bug fix is about fixing the case where they are not attached to nodes and the entity query alter is used. Nicely it is keeping the optimization when possible.

#3126654: EntityConstraintViolationList::findByCodes is inconsistent


A change added and removed on the next commit because of a test regression, let us postpone this one.

#3276965: generate sample values get dimensions wrong when min_resolution is bigger than 600x600


A bug fix for image field to improve the sample values generation.

#2991772: Field layouts doesn’t seem to work for embedded forms


Improves field layout form usage on embedded forms.

#3318888: Fix migrate destination entity PHPStan L0 issues


More linting improvements, this time over the entity migrate destination plugin, that gained a couple of methods, but should not affect most cases, that use the base class that has implementations.

#3368789: Fix MaximumFileSizeExceededUploadTest test for PHP 8.3


Bug fix for test around file size upload. It also improves a bit performance of testing, which is great, given the amount of times they are triggered.

#3114016: Improve Email field validation error message to improve accessibility


Makes email element validation error a bit more clear.

#3010558, #3178225: Remove outdated @todo items

#3010558 #3178225

Removes a couple of old TODO item :-)

#3370070: Update Maintainers for the Help module


Also in the context of help topics arriving to the finish line, this changes maintainers file to merge help and help_topics together.

#3204810: Add new permission for accessing help pages


Also related to help, adding a new permission, and related change to assign it to all admin roles.


Polishing for ckeditor embed media linking somewhere, so it is easier to manipulate them there.

#3370989: Update CKEditor 5 to 38.1.0


Vendor update for CKEditor, keeping up to date FTW!

#3365945: Errors: The following table(s) do not have a primary key: forum_index


The venerable forum module receives a new database index, and then the change was reverted back because it failed to pass tests on mainline.

To be continued :-)

#3304246: string’ is a reserved keyword as of PHP version 7.0 and should not be used to name a class, interface or trait or as part of a namespace (T_NAMESPACE)


Renames part of a test namespace, so it does not use a reserved php keyword.

#3368880: Deprecate file.field.inc and move functions to file.module


Moves code out of the file.field.inc into file.module, given the small set of code there. Also, I was totally unaware of the Kill includes tag :-)

#2953566: Allow entities to specify a “collection permission”


A new $collection_permission data member was added to the entity type class, that will help to determine access to collection routes. Added now for block content, node, term, and vocabulary entity types.

#3327659: Fix limit value in Explode process plugin documentation


Example documentation fix to a misleading documentation block at explode migrate process plugin.

#3370930: Aggregation URL hashes should be built from normalized list of libraries


Reduces variation on the list of dependencies for asset resolver, so the hash is more stable and the aggregated file can be reused more often.

#3356894: Make field selection less overwhelming by introducing groups


Quite nice editorial experience improvement. Field creation now shows field types grouped, so they are better explained, and easier to find.

Now there is a category property on field type plugins, and a hook_field_type_category_info() where categories can be added. More details on the related change record.

#3371751: Fix HelpSearch queries to ensure db identifiers are properly escaped


Bug fix for searching action on help module, adding escaping when needed.

#3057545: ResourceTypeRepository wrongly assumes that all entity reference fields have the setting “target_type”


More decoupling! This time adding a new EntityReferenceItemBase class, with a related EntityReferenceItemInterface that can be used for cases where there may not be a target_type property on the plugin.

#2920678: Add config validation for the allowed characters of machine names


Adds extra validation, at configuration level, for machine names, by introducing a new machine_name configuration schema type, that can be configured to have different constraints.

#3356408: Display plus sign once on inline block create button with Stable9 theme


CCS tweak!

#3368681: Provide Template file for forum topic(s)


New templates added into form module, moving some HTML out of php code.

#3073554: Add a token for publication status


New [node:published_status] token!

#3371796: Standard profile’s article content type’s image should not be lazy loaded within full view mode


Nice change to make default article node image load with the eager method. It is nice to see this happening, lazy is a great default, and yes, there a few cases where it makes sense to not use it, like this one.

#3368664: Fix spelling of $add_ellipses is comment




Running against the week clock to arrive to a synchronized status with current changes by the end of the week at this point, but it may expend a bit. I am glad I continue to make progress, eventually I will be back in sync, crossing fingers.



The set

$ git log --oneline --reverse e0d038f582d340cb8dcac7d5dbce9300b86878dc..9f45ca3194c59ba5a3c0950b43f1a8573709cfb9
8219cb1f87 Issue #3223205 by kim.pepper, smustgrave, hmendes, anweshasinha, Berdir, andypost, daffie: deprecate system_retrieve_file() without replacement
79c7666a86 Issue #3221793 by kim.pepper, larowlan, smustgrave, Wim Leers, joachim, gabesullice: Move file upload validation from file.module to constraint validators
4aa426d9cc Issue #2933924 by lucienchalom, elber, smustgrave, tim.plunkett, larowlan, lauriii: Move \Drupal\field_ui\Form\EntityViewDisplayEditForm::getFieldLabelOptions() to a trait
0f2e209bab Issue #3321726 by akshaydalvi212, ameymudras, sagarchauhan, bnjmnm: If there is a line break in a primary dropbutton, it will not match the height of the adjacent toggle
693ced9cd8 Issue #2521800 by srishtiiee, bnjmnm, tim.plunkett, narendraR, lauriii, Utkarsh_33, hooroomoo, LewisNyman, smustgrave, Wim Leers: List key|label entry field is textarea, which doesn't give guidance towards the expected input
b8bb2e9f44 Issue #3087499 by andypost, smustgrave, Amber Himes Matz: Merge Help Topics classes into Help with BC layer
cd9fed87f0 Issue #3238849 by mstrelan, hooroomoo, smustgrave, bnjmnm, larowlan: Refactor (if feasible) use of jquery is function to use vanillaJS
2e3dea7a2b Issue #3370043 by catch, Chi: Asset controller should validate filename prefix
6a43b511df Issue #3238308 by mstrelan, bnjmnm, nod_, smustgrave, larowlan, rikki_iki: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery css function to use Vanilla/native
13955d6bfd Issue #3332546 by fjgarlin, Berdir, djsagar, larowlan, smustgrave: CommentSelection::entityQueryAlter() fails on validate when referencing entity is not a comment
66aaf44b79 Issue #3126654 by idimopoulos, smustgrave, borisson_, mglaman, pfrenssen, catch: EntityConstraintViolationList::findByCodes is inconsistent
7334f69920 Issue #3126654 by idimopoulos, smustgrave, borisson_, mglaman, pfrenssen, catch: EntityConstraintViolationList::findByCodes is inconsistent - followup
4578bbd605 Issue #3276965 by guiu.rocafort.ferrer, andregp, roberttabigue, quietone, rootwork, smustgrave: generate sample values get dimensions wrong when min_resolution is bigger than 600x600
3324f140bb Issue #2991772 by nuez, smustgrave, ravi.shankar, sanfair: Field layouts doen't seem to work for embedded forms
62d7c46774 Issue #3318888 by mondrake, Spokje, smustgrave, xjm, longwave: Fix migrate destination entity PHPStan L0 issues
22aa164467 Issue #3368789 by andypost: Fix MaximumFileSizeExceededUploadTest test for PHP 8.3
ba576b5edc Issue #3114016 by ranjith_kumar_k_u, richa_porwal, dagomar, Gauravvvv, Abhijith S, smustgrave, catch, yoroy: Improve Email field validation error message to improve accessibility
e8e289951d Issue #3361623 by Spokje, smustgrave: Remove outdated @todo in Olivero's datetime-wrapper.html.twig pointing to #3010558
cc63aad658 Issue #3370070 by andypost: Update Maintainers for the Help module
fe8ce5b0d8 Issue #3238914 by hooroomoo, mstrelan: Refactor (if feasible) uses of the jQuery proxy function to use VanillaJS
680039ffe5 Issue #3204810 by andypost, RoSk0, smustgrave, quietone, cedewey, Amber Himes Matz, larowlan, benjifisher: Add new permission for accessing help pages
d80291c275 Issue #3326455 by el7cosmos, lauriii, joshuami, zenimagine, Wim Leers, smustgrave: [drupalMedia] When media is embedded in a view mode whose display is configured to link elsewhere, that link should not be clickable in CKEditor
fb6023c3c8 Issue #3370989 by lauriii, Wim Leers: Update CKEditor 5 to 38.1.0
b46d0ee347 Issue #3365945 by larowlan, sakthi_dev, daffie, JvE, eelkeblok, borisson_: Errors: The following table(s) do not have a primary key: forum_index
29d21a7721 Issue #3304246 by smustgrave, dhirendra.mishra, gawalin: string' is a reserved keyword as of PHP version 7.0 and should not be used to name a class, interface or trait or as part of a namespace (T_NAMESPACE)
5067812f07 Issue #3368880 by kim.pepper, longwave: Deprecate file.field.inc and move functions to file.module
b6b1fb1ea4 Issue #3178225 by Liam Morland, FMB, smustgrave, joachim: Make @todo for file_save_upload() refer to the correct issue
4077f20c6e Issue #2953566 by vijaycs85, tstoeckler, mrweiner, robertom, mohit1604, gabesullice, Berdir, hchonov, smustgrave, mglaman, Wim Leers, AaronMcHale, kristiaanvandeneynde: Allow entities to specify a "collection permission"
d4b4f2d34c Issue #3327659 by klimp: Fix limit value in Explode process plugin documentation
97d1eb0652 Revert "Issue #3365945 by larowlan, sakthi_dev, daffie, JvE, eelkeblok, borisson_: Errors: The following table(s) do not have a primary key: forum_index"
9a66ffcedb Issue #3370930 by catch, Amber Himes Matz, kevinquillen, mherchel: Aggregation URL hashes should be built from normalized list of libraries
9d522de054 Issue #3356894 by hooroomoo, lauriii, srishtiiee, Rajeshreeputra, Utkarsh_33, bnjmnm, narendraR, tim.plunkett, smustgrave, ckrina, yoroy, amateescu, Wim Leers: Make field selection less overwhelming by introducing groups
0733716c75 Issue #3371751 by mondrake: Fix HelpSearch queries to ensure db identifiers are properly escaped
da5ea0aeda Issue #3057545 by acbramley, hchonov, bbrala, bradjones1, larowlan, yogeshmpawar, Leon Kessler, gease, joachim, gabesullice, kfritsche, jibran, Wim Leers, Berdir, smustgrave, alexpott, catch: ResourceTypeRepository wrongly assumes that all entity reference fields have the setting "target_type"
0a7c3372a2 Issue #2920678 by phenaproxima, Wim Leers, dawehner, Gogowitsch, Sam152, dww, longwave, yogeshmpawar, alexpott, borisson_, tstoeckler, jibran, amateescu, larowlan, tedbow: Add config validation for the allowed characters of machine names
7e5b0739e9 Issue #3356408 by daddison, mark_fullmer, smustgrave: Display plus sign once on inline block create button with Stable9 theme
d6ac6d30da Issue #3368681 by larowlan, Abhijith S, thomas.frobieter, nidhi27: Provide Template file for forum topic(s)
b23fad55a8 Issue #3073554 by mpp, ravi.shankar, smustgrave, mark_fullmer, alexpott, acbramley, lukus, Gábor Hojtsy: Add a token for publication status
f98b337ba2 Issue #3371796 by bernardm28, mherchel: Standard profile's article content type's image should not be lazy loaded within full view mode
9f45ca3194 Issue #3368664 by rpayanm, _pratik_, keelanfh, cilefen, longwave, smustgrave: Fix spelling of $add_ellipses is comment

$ git diff --shortstat e0d038f582d340cb8dcac7d5dbce9300b86878dc..9f45ca3194c59ba5a3c0950b43f1a8573709cfb9
 549 files changed, 7225 insertions(+), 3841 deletions(-)

$ git shortlog --summary -c e0d038f582d340cb8dcac7d5dbce9300b86878dc..9f45ca3194c59ba5a3c0950b43f1a8573709cfb9 | sort -n -r
    21  Lee Rowlands
     8  catch
     4  Lauri Eskola
     3  quietone
     2  Ben Mullins
     1  Dave Long
     1  bnjmnm