2023-06-01: A start of a journey


This is the first entry here! It is the start of a experiment, that hopefully let me track more closely what is happening over Drupal core development.


It covers commits starting on 2023-06-01 over 11.x branch, at the time that was fetched.

#3349293: Make assertions using ConfigEntityValidationTestBase::assertValidationErrors() clearer


Improvements over a set of tests to make more meaningful messages. This kind of changes makes the codebase more maintainable in time. I am always re-assured when I see the attention to detail it is put into core changes :+1:

One interesting extra pointer on the issue comments is the recent addition on coder and coding standards about parameter type hinting over documentation blocks, that is now finally officially available for Drupal core codebase. More details about it at #3309010, Support PHPDoc Types in @param @var @return annotations.

#3364267: Claro low contrast for buttons in dialog


A work-around fix for a problem in Claro theme that will be handled in a better way at #1945262: Replace custom weights with dependencies in library declarations; introduce “before” and “after” for conditional ordering.


It was interesting to see an issue opened and solved on less than three hours! That clearly shows a nice reaction process over the core pipeline :+1:

I also see that one of the issues was mainly handled over a merge request, and the other with the usual patch workflow.

This time it was only a couple of commits, and it was intentional, so hopefully over time these reviews can summarize longer ranges, but I wanted to start simple. I may even convert this into a proper blog, time will tell.



The set

$ git log --oneline --since=2023-05-31 11.x
eaf540262e (HEAD -> 11.x, origin/HEAD, origin/11.x) Issue #3364267 by lauriii, dww, smustgrave: Claro low contrast for buttons in dialog
54fad06ed8 Issue #3349293 by Wim Leers, phenaproxima, smustgrave, longwave, bnjmnm, borisson_: Make assertions using ConfigEntityValidationTestBase::assertValidationErrors() clearer