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AI Assistant API

What is the AI Assistant API module?

This is an experimental module not recommended for production sites The AI Assistant API provides an API to normalize interactions between a site and an LLM functioning as a chatbot. It creates a plugin-based system that allows other modules to create specific actions that the LLM can trigger and report on. In conjunction with the AI Chatbot module, this can allow site users to talk to a chosen LLM and ask it to perform tasks on the site.


  1. The AI module must be installed and configured.
  2. At least one Provider module must be enabled and configured.

The default configuration for this module assumes that one or more modules providing AI Assistant Actions have also been enabled, such as the AI search sub-module or the AI Agents module. Without any available actions, the AI Assistant will be limited to what the chosen LLM can do, and will have no information about the site the module is installed on.

If no modules providing AI Assistant Actions are available, the Pre Action Prompt section of the AI Assistant form MUST be altered from its default value, in order to instruct the LLM about how to respond to user input. To do this, you will need to add

$settings['ai_assistant_advanced_mode_enabled'] = TRUE;

to your site's settings.php file. With this added, you will be able to edit the contents of the Advanced section.

The form details the tokens that can be included in the Pre Action Prompt to pass other settings from the form: these are not mandatory for you to include, but if they are excluded you must detail all the information needed by the LLM to respond to a user's messages within the Pre Action Prompt.

Please note, editing this section requires experience of writing LLM prompts and may produce unexpected results.

How to configure the AI Assistant API module

Standard configuration

  1. Enable the module as normal.
  2. Visit /admin/config/ai/ai-assistant to view existing assistants or add your own.
  3. When adding an assistant, you will be able to set prompts for the assistant:
    1. Pre Action Prompt: this section is not editable by default (see Dependencies) and is the main prompt sent to the LLM prior to any configured actions being run.
    2. System Prompt: this section explains to the LLM what role it should adopt when responding to the user's messages. It is sent as part of the Pre Action Prompt.
    3. Pre-prompt Instructions: additional instructions for the LLM about how to respond to messages. It is sent as part of the Pre Action Prompt.
  4. If there are available API Assistant Actions, you will be able to select which actions are available to the LLM. The selected Actions will be run in the order listed in the form. This section will not appear if there are no available Actions.
  5. When you have completed the form as you require, click save to create the AI Assistant.

Advanced configuration

By default, the AI Assistant API module will use the Pre Action Prompt and System Prompt provided within the /resources directory of the module. This ensures that the module will run the latest version of these prompts. However, if you wish to use custom values for these then you should add the following to your settings.php file:

$settings['ai_assistant_custom_prompts'] = TRUE;

This also allows different AI Assistants to use different Pre Action Prompts and System Prompts to each other. You may also wish to enable the ai_assistant_advanced_mode_enabled setting described in the Dependencies section so that these fields can be edited through the UI.

AI Chatbot module

What is the AI Chatbot module?

The AI Assistant API module provides an API to manage real-time messages to and from an LLM, and trigger actions the LLM "decides" the user has requested. However, it does not provide a front-end for this process. The AI Chatbot module provides a boilerplate frontend, consisting of a block with a text-input that pushes user messages to the AI Assistant API, and renders LLM responses as user-readable text.


The AI Chatbot module requires that the AI Assistant API module has been installed and configured (see How to configure the AI Assistant API module).

The AI Deepchat Chatbot requires the league/commonmark library. This must be downloaded and made available to the codebase: it is recommended to use composer to achieve this.

How to configure the AI Chatbot module

  1. Enable and configure the AI Assistant API module (see How to configure the AI Assistant API module).
  2. Enable the AI Deepchat Chatbot module.
  3. Visit /admin/structure/block
  4. Choose a region of your theme template and click the "place" button.
  5. Select the AI Chatbot block and press the place button.
  6. Configure the block:
    1. Give it an admin name and user-facing label
    2. Make sure to not show the label.
    3. Select which AI Assistant to use.
    4. Provide an initial statement to use shown to the user.

How to use the AI Chatbot

When an AI Chatbot block is placed on a page, it will display its label to the user. If the user clicks it, it will open a form to allow the user to pass messages via the AI Assistant API and see the responses.

The message history can be retained inside the block until the page is reloaded or the user navigates away, depending on settings in the AI Assistant.

Customize the Chatbot.

The Chatbot is based on Deepchat by OvidijusParsiunas and can be customized both in look and feel. The designing of the chatbot is done via attributes, see the documentation on, but we have abstracted it away into yaml files.

You can in your active theme add a folder called deepchat_styles and load your own custom themes to use.

There is also a hook called hook_deepchat_settings where you can change the attributes on the fly.

AI Assistant Actions

AI Assistant Actions implement Drupal's inbuilt Plugin API to provide ways for a configured AI Assistant to interact with the Drupal site it has been installed on. These are provided by modules as part of their code, and the provider modules should provide details of what actions they allow an assistant to perform.

For more information on providing your own plugins, please see the Develop an API Assistant Action section.