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The following are some helper files for DDEV that might make local development easier to set up.

To set up DDEV on your machine, follow the instructions provided here. For further details on setting up and running Drupal contrib projects with DDEV, refer to the documentation here.


To get streaming of responses to work on different platforms the following might be needed to set depending on if you use Apache or nginx. Note that these settings are not good for scaling.


Copy the file docs/ddev-examples/apache-streaming.conf to your .ddev/apache and run ddev restart.


Copy the file docs/ddev-examples/nginx-site.conf to your .ddev/nginx_full and run ddev restart.



Ollama is a model provider that you can run locally. Its not really recommended to run in ddev since you usually want to share the host resource. To setup Ollama on your host machine and how to connect it, you can read in the Ollama Provider documentation.

If you however want to setup Ollama via DDEV there is files under docs/ddev-examples that you can use. Copy the docker-compose.ollama.yaml to your .ddev directory if you run CPU or the file docker-compose.ollama-gpu.yaml to your .ddev directory if you want to run with an nvidia GPU. Then run ddev restart. The machine can be connected to on http://ollama:11434 or http://ollama-gpu:11434.


Milvus is a vector database that can be used together with AI Search, to set it up locally use the following file. More instruction

To find information on how to set it up, look on the Milvus help page. This will expose milvus internally on http://milvus:19530 and an gui on {sitename}


Mockoon is a service that can replicate certain repos. We currently use it for kernel and browser testing to not have to pay services to test them.

There is a Mockoon file for this under tests/assets/mockoon/. If you want to run this you can use the following file.


    container_name: ddev-${DDEV_SITENAME}-mockoon
    image: mockoon/cli:latest
      - HTTP_EXPOSE=3010:3010
      - HTTPS_EXPOSE=3010:3010
      - MOCKOON_BASEHOST=http://mockoon:3010
    command: [ "--data", "/data/openai.json", "--port", "3010" ]
      - ../web/modules/custom/ai/tests/assets/mockoon/:/data/:readonly
    labels: ${DDEV_SITENAME}