Text-To-Speech Call
Text-To-Speech calls are calls that can generate streaming audio or audio files from a textual prompt. Famous providers are Elevenlabs and OpenAI.
Example normalized Text-To-Speech call
The following is an example of sending the text "Hello, my name is Martin" into Elevenlabs using the martin voice model. The output is an array of AudioFile.
use Drupal\ai\OperationType\TextToSpeech\TextToSpeechInput;
$input = new TextToSpeechInput('Hello, my name is Martin');
/** @var \Drupal\ai\OperationType\TextToSpeech\TextToSpeechOutput $return_audios */
$return_audios = \Drupal::service('ai.provider')->createInstance('elevenlabs')->TextToSpeech($input, 'martin', ['my-custom-call']);
/** @var \Drupal\ai\OperationType\GenericType\AudioFile */
$audio = $return_audios[0];
// You can do many cool things now.
// Examples Possibility #1 - get binary from the audio.
$binaries = $audio->getAsBinary();
// Examples Possibility #2 - get as base 64 encoded string from the audio.
$base64 = $audio->getAsBase64EncodedString();
// Examples Possibility #3 - get as generated media from the audio.
$media = $audio->getAsMediaEntity("audio", "", "audio.mp3");
// Examples Possibility #4 - get as file entity from the audio.
$file = $audio->getAsFileEntity("public://", "audio.mp3");
Text-To-Speech Interfaces & Models
The following files defines the methods available when doing a text-to-speech call as well as the input and output.
Text-To-Speech Explorer
If you install the AI API Explorer, you can go configuration > AI > AI API Explorer > Text-To-Speech Generation Explorer
under /admin/config/ai/explorers/ai-text-to-speech
to test out different calls and see the code that you need for it.